In honor of Easter, here they are…. the 12 things you didn’t know about rabbits!
Boo the bunny is so excited about Easter! I predict any day now he should start laying Easter eggs.
12 Things You Didn’t Know about Rabbits
- The rabbit with the longest ears was an English Lop named Nipper’s Geronimo. His ears measured 31 inches long.
- Male rabbits are called bucks, female rabbits are called does, and babies are called kits.
- Pet rabbits can live from 7-10 years, or even into their teens!
- The European rabbit is the most social rabbit, sometimes forming extensive burrow systems of up to 20 individuals. (But you already knew this if you’ve read Watership Down)
- in 1997 a rabbit named Mimrelunds Tosen broke the world record for the highest jump by a rabbit. She jumped 39.2 inches!
- The Pygmy rabbit is the smallest rabbit in North America, measuring an average of only 11 inches in length
- A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing. But the normal grinding of the upper teeth against the lower teeth keeps them short. This is why it is so important to always offer your rabbit chew toys!
- No species of rabbit is known to hibernate. Rabbits are active throughout the year.
- Rabbits are intelligent! With clicker training, you can teach a rabbit to weave through poles and other tricks. (Our Boo can spin circles on command!)
- A rabbit has three eyelids. The third eyelid, called the nichtitating membrane, keeps the eye clean so rabbits are aware of approaching predators.
- Rabbits are famous for their fertility, and can produce litters of 4-8 offspring several times per year.
- Despite their name, jackrabbits are not really rabbits. They’re hares!
Happy Easter everyone!