Fresh Mint Pesto Recipe

Have you got a ton of easy mint growing in your backyard garden? Are you looking for a fresh way to use it in the kitchen? Try this fresh mint pesto recipe. It is surprisingly versatile and can be used stirred in pasta, on a baguette, or on grilled fish.

Fresh Mint Pesto Recipe

Fresh mint takes off in the spring. If you have a little or a lot, you are surely looking for ways to use it this time of year.

Mint grows very fast in the ground. It has underground runners that are not at all hampered by drought or overwatering, clay soil or sand, sun or shade, heat or frost. In fact, it seems to thrive in less than ideal conditions.

Easy Growing Mint

The reason mint grows and spreads so fast is the same reason that grass and bamboo do – they are all spreading from rhizomes. A rhizome is an underground stem . This is different from usual tubers or bulbs because a rhizome grows horizontally in the soil rather than down toward the water table.

Fresh Mint in the garden - makes a great mint pesto
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Therefore, it is always a good idea to pull new growth from the underground runner as it expands out of its boundaries. Otherwise the mint will take over your garden. It will easily “jump” pots and raised beds. Mint can even displace grass and other plants.

This week I had to trim back some mint which had jumped its bed. I fed some to Boo the rabbit. I made some cocktails. But I still had a big pile and I didn’t want to just compost it (always make sure roots are fully dried out before putting mint into your compost!)

As great as it is in your springtime cocktails, there’s only so much to use. This mint pesto recipe uses up any leftover you may have! It is a great way to use a lot in a single go.

Fresh Mint Pesto Recipe

If you are wondering if the mint will be overpowering…. Yeah, that was my thought, too. I honestly thought it would be way too strong. But in fact it is much more subtle than you would imagine. It is bright and flavorful, but not overpowering.

And, you can always add some parsley or carrot tops to even further mellow it out.


  • 2 cups fresh mint, destemmed
  • one clove garlic
  • 1/2 cup spinach or parsley (optional)
  • 1/4 cup raw unsalted walnuts
  • Olive oil (approximately 1/4 cup)
  • splash warm water
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Instructions for Mint Pesto

  1. Destem the mint. The easiest way to do this is to run your forefinger and thumb from the top of the stem down to the fat end. (Backwards up the stem)
  2. Add the mint, any other greens, walnuts and garlic to the food processor. Process all of the dry ingredients first to get to a smooth, finely chopped consistency.
  3. Add salt and pepper.
  4. Slowly add first the water and then the olive oil to desired consistency.
Fresh Mint Pesto Recipe

How to Use Mint Pesto

  • On crackers or toasted French bread with cheese
  • Swirl it into penne or rigatoni pasta along with some parmesan cheese
  • Try it as a savory alternative on lamb
  • Brush on grilled white fish such as trout, sea bass or talapia
  • Serve with burgers
  • Mix into roasted vegetables
  • As a side on your charcuterie platter
  • Try it as an alternative to chimichurri sauce with a skirt steak or ribeye
  • Use it instead of spinach In Italian Stuffed peppers

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