Some Garden Theme Ideas

It’s officially a New Year! Are you dreaming about your garden yet? Are you one of those people who rips everything out and starts again from scratch on the regular? Need a little inspo? Here are some Garden Theme Ideas to get those creative design juices flowing.

There are all sorts of different gardens for different purposes. Setting a theme for your garden – or a portion of your garden – is a rewarding way to plan the season. Plus, it gives you a goal to work toward.

A garden designed with a focus on edibles allows you to cultivate fresh, flavorful ingredients right at your doorstep. From aromatic herbs to vibrant vegetables and fruits, a well-planned culinary garden can transform your cooking and elevate everyday meals. Whether you’re envisioning a herb garden for a range of seasonings or a vibrant vegetable patch, we’ll explore a variety of garden theme ideas that bring both beauty and practicality to your cooking space.

Broad, or general garden themes have been around a long time. Think kitchen garden, rock garden, vegetable garden, or cutting garden. Modern theme gardeners are taking the concept to a whole new level. The rise in things like fairy gardens, even among non-gardeners, is fun to see.

If you want to create a themed garden, its never too early to start planning!! Here are some more great ideas for creating your own garden theme!

Growing a Salsa Garden (aka Pizza Garden)

A salsa garden is a rewarding way to plan your garden plot. It gives you a theme and structure to work toward rather than haphazard crops. Easily modified for a Pizza Garden!

Growing a Salad Garden

Early spring and fall are the perfect time to start a salad garden! Put in several types of greens and be salad-ready this spring.

Grow A Cocktail Garden!

Sure, we’ve all heard of Beer gardens. But why not grow a garden for bartenders and mixologists?

Planning and Growing a Thanksgiving Garden

(with downloadable plans) With careful planning, you can grow most or even all of the side dishes for your holiday feast from your own Thanksgiving garden. Why not start this spring for next November?

Chicken Gardening

Can chickens and a garden coexist? Here are 5 steps you can take to ensure your garden stays safe while giving your chickens forage time. Includes suggestions for what and how to plant with free-range chickens.

Grow Your Own Rabbit Garden

A rabbit’s natural diet includes flowers, grasses, and leafy greens. You can provide these from a rabbit garden to diversify you pet bunny’s menu.

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Herbal Tea Garden

Yes, we have all heard of herb gardens. If you’re an herbal tea drinker, then this is the theme garden for you! For a fun accent, use superglue to fasten old tea cups and saucers together, and then attach them to the top of hardwood stakes and place them around the garden, filling them with birdseed. The herbs you grow in your tea garden can be used fresh or dried for year-round use.


A type of urban farm, Micro-Farming is what it sounds like: a small scale farm. And the benefits to the farmer and to the community are huge. Here are some benefits and tips to succeed.

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Lemonade Garden

Ok, it is true that not all gardeners in all zones can grow a lemon tree outside. However, it is definitely fun to grow the things you might want to flavor and garnish lemonade with. Grow lemon balm and lemon verbena to add an extra zing to lemonade; stevia to naturally sweeten the drink; spearmint to make minty lemonade; blueberries to create an awesome blueberry-lemonade; violets to make violet-infused, lavender-colored lemonade; and pineapple sage to add a whole new dimension

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